AP® Computer Science A

CSA Classroom

AP® Computer Science A is a college-level course that introduces students to Computer Science through object-oriented programming. The skills developed in this course encompass the following Computational Thinking Practices:

  1. 1) Program Design and Algorithm Development
  2. 2) Code Logic
  3. 3) Code Implementation
  4. 4) Code Testing
  5. 5) Documentation

Programming in this course is done in the Java programming language, and classroom activities will conform to the following Units:

  1. 1) Primitive Types
  2. 2) Using Objects
  3. 3) Boolean Expressions and If Statements
  4. 4) Iteration
  5. 5) Writing Classes
  6. 6) Array
  7. 7) ArrayList
  8. 8) 2D Array
  9. 9) Inheritance
  10. 10) Recursion